#12: Source Code (2011)

A very underrated film. Science Fiction-wise, I would say this is a sort of ‘Quantum Leap’ movie. I won’t give anything away but this nods heavily towards the TV series.

This film is, ‘An action thriller centered on a soldier who wakes up in the body of an unknown man and discovers he’s part of a mission to find the bomber of a Chicago commuter train’ (Source: Website, IMDB).

It is hard to explain without giving anything away! (Who’s idea WAS it to do a spoiler free blog!!!!!). The links to QL go on and on. Jake Gyllenhaal ‘leaps’ into the body of a man at the start. He does the ‘looking in the mirror’ set up that QL always used to do. We even get Gyllenhaal’s character speaking to his ‘real’ Dad (played by Quantum Leap’s Scott Bakula) and pretty much having a similar conversation to one had by Bakula’s Sam when he spoke to his ‘real’ Dad in QL. Even more so, Bakula says the QL catchphrase: “Oh Boy”.

Directed by Duncan Jones, who also directed ‘Moon’, this is a great film. One of the best films to come out of America for years. It really does make you think and you do need to follow the film. Look out for Jones’ trademark usage of Chesney Hawkes, ‘The One & Only’ too.

I would very much welcome other people reviews and thoughts on this film as, uniquely it split audiences as it has two endings within the film. Watch and you will see what I mean. Rumour has it, and it will make sense how and why by watching the film, that there is a TV series in the making. I for one look forward to that if it happens as the options are endless once you understand what the ‘Source Code’ is.

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2 Responses to #12: Source Code (2011)

  1. yogifink says:

    Been wanting to see this for a while – will defo check it out of the library!

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