#13: Brighton Rock (1947)

A British ‘Film Noir’ Classic.

In it, ‘Pinkie Brown is a small-town hoodlum whose gang runs a protection racket based at Brighton race course. When Pinkie orders the murder of a rival, Fred, the police believe it to be suicide. This doesn’t convince Ida Arnold, who was with Fred just before he died, and she sets out to find the truth. She comes across naive waitress Rose, who can prove that Fred was murdered. In an attempt to keep Rose quiet Pinkie marries her. But with his gang beginning to doubt his ability, and his rivals taking over his business, Pinkie starts to become more desperate and violent’ (Source: Website, Wikipedia).

Amazingly, this is my first taste of British Film Noir and I would happlily hear from anyone who can recommend what to watch next.

A young Richard Attenborough shines so brightly here as the evil head a local gang in Brighton, Pinkie Brown. Great to see ‘The First Doctor’, William Hartnell giving a great performance here too.

The film was remade in 2010 but as yet I have not seen that version. As a side note, this film also features, as ‘archive footage’ in the 2009 film: ‘Oil City Confidential’.

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