#14: American Beauty (1999)

Steve gives us his next choice:

This is one of my favourite ever films, I think because it operates on so many levels and is open to many interpretations.

It stars Kevin Spacey as a middle aged, middle class American who suffers a mid life crisis and nervous breakdown. Or does he? This is one of the discussion points central to the film. Another discussion point is the reaction of various people to Spacey’s eccentric behaviour. I think just about any middle aged male in a routine job can easily identify with Spacey’s situation.

The film deservedly won 5 oscars, including best director for Sam Mendes (his first feature film) and best actor for Spacey. Inconceivably Annette Bening did not win the best actress oscar as Spacey’s wife – one of the great mysteries of our time!
Fully recommended!

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3 Responses to #14: American Beauty (1999)

  1. Brett says:

    Do you know, this one slipped me by! I remember how huge it was at the time by never got round to seeing it. I will definitely add it to my ‘To Watch’ List.

  2. yogifink says:

    Oh, it’s brilliant!!! Kevin Spacey is always a treat – no one can do sardonic better. Visually striking, tightly directed. I can’t remember the details now but having spent several months now having a mid life crisis I ought to go back and look at it. And cringe, probably, in recognition.

  3. Brett says:

    I will add this to my (growing) must watch list!

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