This Week’s New Release Choice Pick

My choice pick for today’s cinema release is the new Woody Allen film, ‘Blue Jasmine’. Starring Cate Blanchett and Alec Baldwin, it tells the tale of ‘A New York socialite, deeply troubled and in denial, arrives in San Francisco to impose upon her sister. She looks a million, but isn’t bringing money, peace, or love’ (Source: Website, IMDB). From what I have seen in previews and reviews, I am tipping Blanchett for an Oscar for this one.

Also out is, ‘Filth’, adapted from the Invine Welsh book, James McAvoy gives the performance of his career. Look out for ‘Runner Runner’, ‘Prisoners’ and the poor ‘Austenland’

One to note though probably not locally is a cinematic re-release of the original ‘The Wicker Man’. I must admit to not having seen either the original or the remake. I would welcome any reviews of either from members.

Don’t forget as well as nominating/writing a choice for 1/1000, you can also add a review of any film you have seen recently or in the past.

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4 Responses to This Week’s New Release Choice Pick

  1. smtucker2013 says:

    I would definately like to see the new Woody Allen film, but fear that it will not be shown in “rural”Torbay. The original Wicker Man starring Edward Woodward was quite ground breaking in its subject matter (paganism) and it’s horrific ending. It also features a young Britt Ekland. The re-make starring Nicholas Cage was dire and almost universally criticised, not least for an abject performance by Cage. It was one of those films that’s so bad it’s almost good.

  2. Brett says:

    Indeed Steve, checking listings: Both Apollo and Merlin aren’t showing either film. We do lose out on certain things film wise in the area we are in. Btw Steve, what was the film you said you would be bring along next meet? The one in the card sleeve? The name fails me! Hope you managed to see Farenheit 9/11. Looking forward to your thoughts on here or at meet.

  3. Brett says:

    Forgive me, i remember now!

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