#16: Logan’s Run (1976)

Seldom seen on TV, this is the first science fiction film I remember seeing, it hardly ever gets repeated.

Starring Michael York Farrah Fawcett, Peter Ustinov and Jenny Agutter, I feel this is a forgotten classic. Yes, it may be dated but this was a time when films weren’t just based on how the technology can inhance the story. This was an age (I sound prehistoric here!) when films were plot driven and acting was the name of the day.

‘It’s 2274 and on the surface, it all seems to be an idyllic society. Living in a city within an enclosed dome, there is little or no work for humans to perform and inhabitants are free to pursue all of the pleasures of life. There is one catch however: your life is limited and when you reach 30, it is terminated in a quasi-religious ceremony known as Carousel (Source: Website, IMDB). Now, this really is a great basis for a good storyline. I haven’t seen the film in a very long time and I believe it is time for a rewatch. My memories have faded but i do remember the characters trying to excape and that has been the lasting memory of this.

I understand there is a remake in the offing, if there is one film that could do well as a remake, it is this. There is a good amount of resources to start from: There are 4 books in total. ‘Logan’s Run’, ‘Logan’s World’ & ‘Logan’s Search’. Plus an e-book called ‘Logan’s Return’.

There was also a short lived TV Series, very much even longer forgotten. ‘Logan’s Run’ (1977) started with a 90 minute pilot followed by 13 more episodes. It is bizarrely a remake of the film with all new actors playing the main characters, just a year after the film. It is not a continuation of the film.

You could also say there are elements of this film in ‘The Island’. ‘It is (The Island) described as a pastiche of “escape-from-dystopia” science fiction films of the 1960s and 1970s such as Fahrenheit 451, THX 1138, Parts: The Clonus Horror, and Logan’s Run. The film’s plot revolves around the struggle of Ewan McGregor’s character to fit into the highly structured world he lives in and the series of events that unfold when he questions how truthful that world really is (Source: Website, Wikipedia)

Regarding this film, if you can get past the dated look, feel and perhaps over the top acting, this is a forgotten piece of classic sci-fi.

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2 Responses to #16: Logan’s Run (1976)

  1. yogifink says:

    I remember seeing this in the cinema when it first came out, I had really looked forward to it, having see clips on telly, but for some reason it didn’t quite hit the mark with me beyond the initial premise of a society of under 30s. 30 seemed a long way off then (sadly, it does now!) so it didn’t alarm me quite as much as it would have had I been 29! If it were remade now (and they’ve been talking about it for a long time) I think it would have more impact in a world where we are more acutely aware of the coming catastrophe of over population. The fx were good for the day but I thought Michael York a little mis-cast and the concluding showdown with the computer was a little lame and had already been done in Doctor Who. The following television series of the same name did it no favours at all and is best forgotten! I actually thought The Island was a very good effort; it suprised me and was pretty tense, I thought, although not in any sense a classic. I do recall being quite frightened at parts of Logan’s Run (the scene in the cosmetic surgery room sticks in my mind) and my memory of it probably serves it poorly; due a re-visit methinks.

  2. Brett says:

    Yes, I wouldn’t mind seeing this again too Paul. I haven’t seen it for a very long time.

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