Weekly Posts To Look Out For

Time permitting, of course, we will have a 1/1000 post from myself or any of the TLFC Members on most days. But there is so much more to look out for: Take a look at what will normally be posted (of course we are only human and there will be days where we miss one or two!):

Mon: 1/1000 & Midweek TV Choice Picks
Tue: 1/1000 & Rare Films Focus
Wed: 1/1000 & TLFC Member Article
Thu: 1/1000 & Local Film Society What’s On
Fri: 1/1000 & New Release Choice Picks
Sat: 1/1000 & Weekend TV Choice Picks
: 1/1000 & Film TV Movie Focus

On Wednesdays, I will publish articles/posts written by TLFC Members. On any film subject, seperate from the 1000 or Reviews it is YOUR canvas. Please let me know if you aren’t already a ‘Contibutor’ and I will set you accordingly to do so. Once a month, on a Wednesday, we will also have a TLFC update. Remember if you a TLFC member, you can always arrange cinema outings with us either here, via email or at the monthly meeting.

Don’t forget, to recap, you can do any of the following as a Contibutor

* Nominate and write a choice for 1 of the 1000 Films To Watch
* Write a review on any film you’ve seen, past or present
* Write an article on any film subject for Wednesday publication

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