The 1000

Here is a full list of the recommendations. Remember, this list is in no particular order. It will include, not only my favourites but, those of my readers and contributors too. Why not work your way through some on the list and then come and give us a review!!!

#0001: Vertigo (1958)
#0002: Twin Peaks: Fire Walk With Me (1992)
#0003: Annie Hall (1977)
#0004: The Time Machine (1960)
#0005: Sliding Doors (1998)
#0006: Barbarella (1968)
#0007: Starter For 10 (2006)
#0008: Black Swan (2010)
#0009: Dancer In The Dark (2000)
#0010: A Beautiful Mind (2001)
#0011: Jean de Florette (1986)
#0012: Source Code (2011)
#0013: Brighton Rock (1947)
#0014: American Beauty (1999)
#0015: Psycho (1960)
#0016: Logan’s Run (1976)
#0017: Exit Through The Gift Shop (2010)
#0018: Four Lions (2010)
#0019: Senna (2010)
#0020: Let Him Have It (1991)
#0021: Citizen Kane (1941)
#0022: Mary & Max (2009)
#0023: The Incredible Hulk (1978)
#0024: Man On Wire (2008)
#0025: Catfish (2010)
#0026: Wish You Were Here (1987)
#0027: The War Zone (1999)
#0028: 2001: A Space Odyssey (1968)
#0029: Zodiac (2007)
#0030: Fahrenheit 9/11 (2004)
#0031: Swimming Pool (2003)
#0032: It’s a Wonderful Life (1946)
#0033: Ghostwatch (1992)
#0034: Contact (1997)
#0035: Threads (1984)

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